Why thinking happy thoughts isn't enough

Let’s be honest. The positive thinking movement isn’t working. GASP!

Positive thinking? A positive mindset? That’s what we are told will make us happier humans right? Maybe you’re deliberately chanting positive affirmations every day but when you’re honest with yourself you’re wondering why you’re not bouncing around high vibe and happy all the time? Maybe you tell yourself off for negative thinking, catching yourself in the moment, quickly replacing it with thinking something positive instead, but actually if you’re truthful, inside, you actually feel pretty miserable or frustrated. Sticking a pin in the moment isn’t going to change that.

The world is obsessed with positive thinking and having a positive mindset. And this movement has skyrocketed in the last 20 years as mindfulness has become mainstream, and not just something hippies and yogis do, but something many of us either practice, are aware of or at least know that it has benefits to your wellbeing.

But let’s be honest. The positive thinking movement isn’t working. GASP.

We’ve been told to smile (when your heart is breaking), to “let it go” (thanks Elsa), do some deep breathing (to calm us down but only in the moment), learn to dance in the rain (as if the human experience is something to put up with), put on a brave face (because life is a struggle), and think happy thoughts even in difficult circumstances,

I know, sorry I know I “should be” a beacon of positive light and bounciness but I’m all about truth and authenticity and leaning into who you’re really meant to be and to live from this place, so this is why you need to know thinking happy thoughts isn’t working.

So why is the world not vibing at those high vibrational frequencies of joy, ease, happiness and flow we crave? Welcome to the world of Toxic Positivity.

Let me tell you right now, if you slap on a happy face, deliberately think happy thoughts, train yourself to be positive - this will ONLY work if you actually feel the same way.

Whilst I agree our thoughts inform our emotions and our emotions inform our thoughts, which go definitely go someway to improve your mindset, if there are buried emotions deep inside that haven’t been heard, expressed, fully felt and released, thinking positively but feeling a different way is like whitewashing a blackboard. The darkness will always come through. Why do you think antidepressants are one of most prescribed drugs in the world?

The world tells us to ignore our emotions, distract ourselves when we are feeling sad, angry and all those lower vibe feelings that aren’t so socially acceptable. We are born with a whole spectrum of emotions that are designed to be felt. We are only conditioned that we should take a breath, stop sulking, stop getting angry, and push away those socially unacceptable emotions and instead be happy and positive, but this is precisely why you’re not. Those darker emotions simmer just beneath the surface creating that omnipresent low vibe negative feelings fueling your belief that you cant have a happy carefree life. .

The more you stick on a happy face, doing all the positive thoughts you’ve been told and ignoring what you’re really feeling, the more you ignore your true self and those emotional needs are still not being met. You feel it in your energy and it creates that disconnect between how you feel inside to what you are portraying to the outside world.

When positivity is slapped on us as a means to manage a situation, it overlooks and dismisses the true expression of that emotion so we stuff down what we are truly feeling lowering our vibe and then we wonder why we’re not happy! It’s as if negative thinking is taboo, something to be avoided in any circumstances and positivity is the only way.

You can meditate, chant positive affirmations, stop yourself in the moment when you do think negatively, but the secret sauce to being happy, free and positive is getting to the root of the emotions that are causing the thinking in the first place.


Understanding and facing how you feel head on is the key to you living a happy, free, empowered life. A major part of you up leveling into the gorgeous happy human being you’re designed to be is to allow those emotions to be heard and fully processed. Instead of grimacing through a false smile whilst underneath you want to punch someone or something, or putting a brave face on when actually you want to have a good cry, instead give yourself the permission to fully experience those emotions you don’t want feel, it is the only way to reach that destination of freedom and true positivity you’re craving.

One incredible cathartic way to release those darker emotions QUICK is through TAPPING. Tapping is an energy neuropsychology which has the power to release you from all those darker feelings so you can experience life at the place you were designed to - from those high vibe feelings of love, happiness, freedom, peace and flow.

Every Tuesday at 2pm GMT we join together in a tapping circle where I will take you through the tapping method I have been taught (RRT) to release you so you can get back to your high vibe self. It’s completely safe, free, easy and a tool that EVERY human should use. I would love to have you join me. It will transform your life.

Save your seat here.

If you want to work through something privately that is really stopping you living your most incredible life, I offer a 6 week RRT journey where we meet once a week in a confidential safe space where you will be held, supported and shown grace as you release those darker emotions holding you back and finally feel the release, peace and positivity you’ve been craving.

As one of my clients said - “I’ve been in therapy for years so I understand why I am the way I am, but only now through this form of tapping am I starting to feel free of all that has held me back for the last 30 years. I cannot thank you enough”

Yes, it’s that good.

Contact me here for individual RRT sessions.

With love and gratitude always,


Categories: mindset